Video- Due To 'Innocence of Muslims' YouTube blocked at Egypt

admin 19:35
YouTube Blocked Due To 'Innocence of Muslims'. According to the Associated Press, judge Hassouna Tawfiq in his ruling described the film as “offensive to Islam and the Prophet [Muhammad].” Other news sources wrote that he also enacted a law banning anything that causes insult to “religious messengers and prophets.”

A court in Cairo has reportedly ordered the government of Egypt to have YouTube blocked for 30 days due to the controversial film “Innocence of Muslims” that sparked global protests in September last year.

Lawyer Gamal Eid reportedly said the verdict “shows that judges’ understanding of technology is weak,” adding that they need to “realize that one wrong post on a website does not mean you have to block the entire website.”

Last year, the tech giant declined requests for the video’s removal, but imposed access restriction in some countries including Egypt, Libya and Indonesia because the film broke their laws.

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