Naruto Shippuden: Dreamers Fight -Video

admin 21:29
Here's Naruto Shippuden: Dreamers Fight -Video!

The story takes place after the Pain saga, with Naruto becoming the acknowledged village hero he's always sought out to be. Seeing Naruto grow steps closer to his dream, Rock lee decides he, too, must continue to grow and push his training even harder. Feeling unfulfilled in his regimen, Lee decides to challenge Naruto to a no holds barred duel in hopes to reignite his passion to become the best ninja he can be. Naruto accepts the challenge from his close friend, and with this, the fight is set! Will Naruto's constant growth and Nine-Tailed Fox spirit overwhelm the hardworking, hand-to-hand fighter, or will Lee, again, push his body to the limits to become the more powerful opponent? Thousand Pounds Action Company brings you "Naruto Shippuden: Dreamers Fight"!

Here's some cooments about the video:

I don't care too much about the negative comments, iv been a fan of naruto since the start, and i tell you now, this is such a great movie version, considering the difficulty copying anime, two thumbs up.,!!!


I never did like the drunken fist technique for Lee. The movie was flawless though. Reminded me of all the joys I had when I followed the show. You made an amazing film.


Credit to: RivenX3i for the video

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