How to Play Android Games on your PC using BlueStacks? Now, you can play any android game on your computer. It’s as easy and similar to as you play on your android device. You can bring all the android apps and games onto your PC with just one app – Bluestacks.
This application helps you run games/apps on your Windows PC and Tablets too. Once installed, it gives you some default games which you can try. If you want to try some game which is not featured then you can use Cloud Connect feature provided by this application which lets you sync the apps from your phone or tablet with the BlueStacks installed on your computer.
To use this feature you have to install BlueStacks Cloud Connect on your Android mobile. Once synced, apps can be installed from the cloud. This is our personal pick because of its features and most importantly it comes for free!
Egamerscentrum will try this application and will let you know how good it is.