"Peggle 2", the sequel to the number one puzzle game of 2007, is launching this year first, exclusively on Xbox One. The game propels players to the peg-popping paradise of the original while delivering a host of new features and functionality including all-new levels, new and improved power-ups, fantastic multiplayer modes, gesture controls with Kinect for Xbox One, the ability to customize the "Peggle Masters" who host the game, and much more. Check out the Xbox Wire exclusive interview below with Jared Neuss, Lead Producer on Peggle 2 from the acclaimed PopCap Games and stay tuned for more news and insights from other renown developers of the hottest and most anticipated games coming to Xbox.
All of the new master powers in Peggle 2 are much more explosive and over-the-top than anything you've seen in previous versions of Peggle. We're experimenting with a number of new mechanics, including powers that change the layout of the game board, powers that change how the master interacts with the pegs, and some even crazier ideas that we aren't ready to announce yet.