Wonder how these TOp 25 PLayer got more than 9,000 scores in Flappy Bird?, and so do I. According to Huffingtonpost, 'Flappy Bird' is an insanely irritating,
difficult and frustrating game which combines a super-steep difficulty
curve with bad, boring graphics and jerky movement.
Flappy bird is by far the most annoying game you will ever play in your
life. It will make you so angry you will literally scream (I am not
kidding you). The game itself is nothing special. It is just a bird
that is more or less a falling brick with a vague bird-like appearance.
The bird will basically just drop dead right as you are about to reach a
new high score. It is almost like it had a heart attack mid-flap or
killed itself on a random pane of plexiglass. The bird also defies
physics, falling faster than even remotely possible and thus ending the
extent of your sanity and happiness. The game is not fun but it is
addicting. The joy you feel after finally beating your record is
indescribable and the boiling anger you feel inside of you instantly
diffuses only to fill you with false hope that you may be able to do it
again and possibly even do it better. This is what will convince you to
keep playing. But the agonizing cycle inevitably resumes again with the
dreaded smack of a sound effect punch, once again refueling the hatred
for the bird right back into every fiber of your being. The only reason
I have not yet deleted this horrid game is for the overwhelming sense
of relief and accomplishment I feel when I finally beat a high score;
and it is for this reason, I fear, that it is why I keep playing until I
cannot hold back a punch. I assume this feeling will soon consume you
too but don't say you were never warned.
Huffingtonpost added, some crucial tips to help you get a high score:
1. Learn to relax. This game is incredibly buggy and
annoying. Often you'll fail even when you don't actually touch a pipe.
This is because the game doesn't work very well. Accept it. Embrace it.
Life is confusing.
See the tips and cheats for Flappy Bird, HERE!