The latest round of Rockstar Verified GTA Online Jobs are now available for everyone to play on PSN and Xbox Live. If you're looking for new competitive and fun Races and Deathmatches to play, you can follow the links below to bookmark these on Social Club for easy access next time you boot up the game. And budding Creators, be sure to test these out to get the feel for what it might take to have your masterpiece become Rockstar Verified in a future update.
Beach Side Race - created by papa_salada
After a quick tour of the Vespucci Canals, motorbikes and ATVs can really open it up along the coastal road from Vespucci Beach North to the Pacific Bluffs in this Race. We think papa_salada has picked the perfect vehicle class for this track, as the two and four wheelers can use their fearsome top speed to get some serious airtime on the canal bridges and that tricky jump along the final straightaway.
Custom Freeway gymkhana - created by SaltedCracka
With eight races already under his belt, SaltedCracka’s experience with the Creator tools are on display here. This short technical race around the docks features neat changes in elevation, a well-placed jump that fits perfectly with the flow of the race and some narrow, tricky turns that require deft use of the brake pedal. SaltedCracka has set the default vehicle as the Sultan - an excellent choice for drifting around the corners. The description for the Job pinpoints the final turn as the opportunity to “take it all and be #1”. Sage advice.
The latest round of Rockstar Verified GTA Online Jobs are now available for everyone to play: