PvZ Garden Warfare Boss mode smartglass not working- What to do

admin 19:55

What to do for Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare Boss mode smartglass not working? So I just got PvZ GW and I am trying to playing with the companion on the smart glass to go into boss mode and it does not working.

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Has anyone gotten this to work if so how?

According to one user:

"I load the game on my X1 then I load smartglass to try and play boss mode. The only thing that comes up is the stats screen (score board) with plants and zombies and who is on each side. And it has no problem telling me when someone else is in boss mode but I cant get into it myself.

And there is nothing you can do on this screen at all.

I want to use my tablet to play boss mode.

There are no buttons or tabs or anything to let me enter boss mode.

I have even gone into PvZ game details and saw the addon Pvz boss mode companion and tried that but its the same damn screen.

My tablets are 10.1 in screens.

I went out and bought a brand fing new one just to try and get into boss mode and it still does not work."

Here's a tip from the player who ran it smoothly:

"From what I can tell the issue seems to only be with Android devices. Surface tablets (duh) and iPad are able to use it without a problem.

On my Android tablet, the scoreboard is visible when you open the companion, but the "enter boss mode" button is missing."

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