The Garden Variety Pack is here and 100% FREE!
Plants vs. Zombies™ Garden Warfare brings even more bizarre fun with the new 8v8 "Gnome Bomb" gameplay mode, the option to customize your load out with 24 new ability upgrades, and an all-new map, Chomp Town in the downloadable Garden Variety Pack (DLC) available for free starting March 18 on Xbox One and Xbox 360.
Justin Wiebe, Creative Director thanks fans for making PvZ Garden Warfare a huge success.
"Today’s an exciting day for Garden Warfare!
A big thanks to the community for making Garden Warfare a huge success! We honestly couldn’t be more pleased with the reception the fans have given the game and the overall excitement about what’s to come. And what better way to celebrate that than giving out free content! So here we go, the Garden Variety Pack is a free content add to Garden Warfare. We hope you enjoy playing it as much as we enjoyed building it and as always we look forward to your feedback."