Here's Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare Latest Patch and Updates.
Patch 1.21 Notes
Economy Balancing
- More Coins! Yes more coins are now awarded in both Team Vanquish Mode and Gardens & Graveyards.
Sticker Packs
- Skip Star Challenge cards are now more plentiful – these are a great way to skip the harder challenges.
Mode Balance:
Gardens & Graveyards
- Zombie garden capture time decreased in all maps.
Gameplay Balance Changes:
- Increased primary weapon damage, and reduced damage falloff distance.
-Increased the Imp Punt's inner blast radius.
-Ice Trooper: Reduced weapon damage falloff distance.
-Marine Biologist: Reduced weapon damage falloff distance.
-Dr. Toxic: Increased rate of fire and reduced weapon damage falloff distance.
-Mystic Sunflower: Increased projectile damage across all three charge levels.