How to use XBox promotional gift code?
Got an XBox promotional gift code which I will be using to purchase Titanfall once itbecomes available on XBox 360. According to the message the promotional gift code should be spent within 365 days of redemption.
Here's a message from XBox:
You deserve a little something. Enjoy this $2 promotional gift code toward a game, add-on, TV show, or movie.
Buy and play! Go to to activate:
According to the message:
"Promotional one-time-use gift code valid for named recipient of this email in the United States. PROMOTIONAL CODE MUST BE REDEEMED BY December 31, 2014 AND PROMOTIONAL GIFT CODE MUST BE SPENT WITHIN 365 DAYS OF REDEMPTION OR by December 31, 2015, WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. Subject to gift card terms at"