Payday 2‘s new crimenet network offers a huge range of dynamic contracts and you are free to choose anything from small-time convenience store hits or kidnappings, to major league cyber-crime or emptying out major bank vaults.
The award-winning PAYDAY 2 casts gamers as a member of the infamous Payday crew as they work their way through the biggest, most elaborate heists of their careers using the all new system, overseen by the mysterious Bain.
Designed from the ground up to be the ultimate four player, co-operative experience, PAYDAY 2 features four new skill trees -- the charismatic Mastermind, the heavy Enforcer, the gadget-crazy Technician and the super stealthy Ghost -- which, alongside a versatile weapon modification system and all new mask creator, gives players the chance to live out their fantasy of being a career criminal.
The award-winning PAYDAY 2 casts gamers as a member of the infamous Payday crew as they work their way through the biggest, most elaborate heists of their careers using the all new system, overseen by the mysterious Bain.
Designed from the ground up to be the ultimate four player, co-operative experience, PAYDAY 2 features four new skill trees -- the charismatic Mastermind, the heavy Enforcer, the gadget-crazy Technician and the super stealthy Ghost -- which, alongside a versatile weapon modification system and all new mask creator, gives players the chance to live out their fantasy of being a career criminal.