The Last of Us: Grounded Bundle DLC! Including one of the toughest trophies, ever.
New trophies and a mix of single player and multiplayer content await you in this DLC drop. Grounded Mode will be the hardest challenge you’ll ever face as you try to complete the single player campaign of The Last of Us. The AI is relentless, smart and brutal – survival will be near impossible. “Completed Grounded Mode” might be one of the most difficult trophies you’ll ever earn.
The Reclaimed Territories Map Pack features four news maps: Wharf, Capitol, Coal Mine, and Water Tower. Each map has a mix of trophies attached and is set in location that will be familiar yet unfamiliar to players of the single player campaign. Intelligent use of climbing, stealth, flanking, and all your clan survival techniques will be essential to master these maps.