20 years of PlayStation at Develop 2014 (Video)

admin 17:48

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO. Andrew House and Mark Cerny talk 20 years of PlayStation at Develop 2014.

Watch the full Develop 2014 keynote, titled '20 Years of PlayStation, 40 Years of Console Games, and 100 Years to Come', with SCE Group President and CEO Andrew House and PS4 System Architect Mark Cerny.

"At 59:20 Mark Cerny tells how PS4 did make it more of a possibility for Hallo Games to actually develop No Man's Sky more easier to the PS4 architecture with 8Gb of unified DDR5 memory on a custom chip card in PS4. I understand what he pointing at, but many doesn't still understand this and most of the master race people and xbots are those." - Harry Halme from YouTube

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