Not tried out The Last of Us multiplayer yet? Find out why Factions is a great place to start!
Later this week over on their Twitch channel. They plan to show off the new features for PS4 as well as give their primer for those not familiar with the mode on Thursday 24th July 24 at 7.30pm BST and 1.30am BST (Friday).
Why is the multiplayer mode called Factions?
Quentin Cobb: We wanted the online multiplayer to focus on the larger story of the player representing a faction (Fireflies or Hunters) and rebuilding their own clan in that faction. This grounds the online matches in a world where each player is fighting for the survival of their clan and therefore gives each match more weight and importance.
Erin Daly: The name Factions came from what we call the ‘metagame’. Instead of just earning XP and ranking up like most multiplayer games, when you start multiplayer you are put in charge of a small group of survivors trying to stay alive and grow their numbers. To make progress you must ally yourself with one of the major factions from the single player game – the Hunters, a rag-tag group of brutal killers, or the Fireflies, a more well-equipped resistance group that is still trying to find a cure for the infection.
More infor, HERE!