Themes coming to PS4 & PS Vita, “Live from PlayStation” app

admin 12:07

Themes coming to PS4 & PS Vita, “Live from PlayStation” app coming to PS Vita. This autumn you’ll be able to watch PS4 live streams from Twitch and USTREAM on your PS Vita through the “Live from PlayStation” app.

Those are great news. But I am still hoping that we’ll get folders for the PS4 in 2.00, as my home screen is getting a little too long.

UK_Roclance, wrote on the comment section:

At the very least, move the LIBRARY icon to the left side (instead of the right most) so that I don’t have to scroll through a long long list of icons to reach it. I know I can also reach it via the store icon (which is on the left most on the top row) but that’s slow and indirect.
Let us use the triangle button on the PS4 menu for Options too. Keep the PS3 convention available on the PS4, since the triangle button is not assigned anyway. This is important because the Options button on the DS4 controller is so tiny and not ergonomic to reach blindly.
Allow us to RENAME the game icons. Now I have 3 game icons all called “Contrast” and they all look exactly the same, though they are for the US, Europe and Japan versions respectively (they have stackable trophy sets), and they move around depending on which was most recently played.
Let us organise the video app icons better. For example, I installed WWE Network app from US store, when I use a UK ac...

Plus more brand new features coming to your systems later this year -->

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