Garden Warfare turns 1 next week - let's celebrate with a crazy special event!
From February 25th through March 5th only, PopCap have:
All the character variantsare unlocked (everything except level 10 character variants),
An ice damage community eventfor special Sticker Packs,
A new playlist: The PainTrain!And from February 25th through March 9th only, we have 15% off ALL Sticker Packs!
Note: You won’t be able to purchase character packs, nor will they get upgrades or weapon skins out of packs while the variants are unlocked.
Special Birthday Challenge!
Garden Warfare turns 1 this week, so let's celebrate with a special community event! Dish out a total of 30 million ice damage to unlock a Rare, an Ultra Rare, and a CRAAAZY Rare Sticker Pack byMarch 5th. Also hit the limited-time Pain Train Playlist for 24/7 Team Vanquish on Jewel Junction!
Goal: 30MM ice damage: Rare, Ultra Rare, CRAAAZY Rare.
Pain Train Playlist - 24/7 Team Vanquish Match on Jewel Junction.
The Garden Warfare team, and everyone at PopCap want to wish our fans a huge thank you for your amazing support over the last year. Thank you!