When is #ALDUBMostAwaitedDate Official Guinness World Record Announcement?
The #ALDUBMostAwaitedDate generated 12.1 million tweets, a record, smashing September 12’s #ALDUBTheAbduction tweets (6.35 million) by a huge 91 percent increase.
There is an application process for the Guiness World Record andoOnce an application has been submitted it can take up to 12 weeksfor the committee to review and be accepted as a Guinness World Records title, according to its website.
Guinness is considering to award the hashtag #ALDUBMostAwaitedDate the "Fastest Rising Worldwide Trend" recognition.
AlDub is a fictional supercouple/power couple of Alden Richards and Yaya Dub from the noontime variety show Eat Bulaga!
We will post the announcement from Guinness World Record once the Award is officially announced.
Earlier, trensetter.com already announced the world record for the hashtag #ALDUBMostAwaitedDate of Philippine noontime show
Eat Bulaga! as it reached 12.1 million tweets in a span of 24 hours according to
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