What to do? Apple ID password reset doesn't received on e-mail.
I am trying to recover the password on my (other) Apple ID which is an @gmail.com address. When I click "Recover password" the password never arrives in my inbox. Other emails from Apple arrive when doing the same thing on my other account.
I haven't used this ID for a long time but need to access it as my iPhone still has some Apps associated with it. Is anyone from Apple available to help?
To fix this problem you will need to log in to your old Apple ID at the https://appleid.apple.com/ URL and either remove or change the email address.
Then log in to your desired Apple ID and click verify again and you will receive the email. The problem is that although your address is already verified it is against your other account, but the code at Apple must have a bug in this code whereby it doesn't recognise this particular scenario.