Mirror's Edge and The Good Dinosaur join the LittleBigPlanet

admin 01:13

Mirror's Edge and The Good Dinosaur join the LittleBigPlanet family today! New DLC on PlayStation Store.

The Good Dinosaur is the latest movie release by Disney Pixar, and according to Sony since we love dinosaurs so much wthey have a brand new The Good Dinosaur Costume Pack available from PlayStation Store today.

Rites_Of_Drugula comment says:

Is it too much to ask to make the game playable online on PS3? Every single time we return to the pod after playing a level, whoever is the host gets a FAIL TO LOAD USER PROFILE, it freezes everyone else and is only fixed by quitting the game! And this happens every single time. I’ve contacted you over forums and email but you give no answer. LBP started with us PS3 players and this is how we are repaid: a broken game 1 year after release.

The time has come to announce the awards for our first The Sackies 2015 Award...

The Outstanding Game Creator!

Please put your hands together for a big round of applause for each of one of these amazing Game Creators...

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