Coffin Dodgers coming to PS4 this spring

admin 20:07

Darkly funny kart racer Coffin Dodgers coming to PS4 this spring. It's time to outrace the Grim Reaper himself.

Battle your friends! With a 2-4 player local multiplayer mode you can actively battle and knock your friends from their mobility scooters, get tangled up in epic crashes, and cause mayhem. The “Road Rash” style player-to-player combat features wacky weapons and collectable destructive power-ups to stop your mates in their tracks.

Coffin Dodgers sees you take on the role of saving 1 of 7 old retirees, each racing for their soul on "pimped up" mobility scooters against the Grim Reaper and his Zombie army around a 3D open world. Armed with a variety of homemade weapons, battle through 13 unique tracks! Can you survive the retirement village?

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