Call of Duty PlayStation 4 Error Code CE-34878-0- What to do?

admin 04:22
Question: I keep getting a CE-34878-0 on PlayStation 4. What should I do?

Answer: Error CE-34878-0 is a general error indicating that the game you are currently playing has crashed. If you receive a CE-34878-0 error, you will need to restart the game.

If you continue to receive CE-34878-0 errors, it is an indication that something else is wrong, and you should check to ensure your PlayStation 4 system software and the game you are playing are both up to date. Follow these steps to check for updates:
  1. Exit to the PlayStation home screen.
  2. Highlight the game you were playing and press the Options button.
  3. Select Check For Update and allow any game updates to install.
  4. After any updates have finished installing, select Settings at the top of the PlayStation home screen.
  5. Select System Software Update and allow any system updates to install.
  6. Reboot your PlayStation 4.

If you are still receiving CE-34878-0 errors after updating, try the following suggestions:
  • If a PS Camera is connected to the system, remove it and reboot the system, then turn off Enable Face Recognition.
    1. From the PlayStation 4 home screen, select Settings.
    2. Select User.
    3. Select Login Settings.
    4. Uncheck Enable Face Recognition.
  • If you have upgraded the Hard Disk Drive (HDD) in your console, please re-install the original HDD.
  • If the error occurs again, back up your saved data, and then:
    1. From the PlayStation 4 home screen, select Settings.
    2. Select Initialization.
    3. Select Initialize PS4.

If the error continues and occurs with every application, or as soon as the application starts, please contact PlayStation Supportfor assistance.

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