The interactive horror story Neverending Nightmares is coming to PS4 and PS Vita this year, based off the creator's personal struggles with depression.
Neverending Nightmares is designed to explore the darkest and most negative emotions — fear, horror, anxiety, hopelessness, pain, and frustration. It isn’t a typical game where you are faced with challenges and can win. We worked really hard to make players feel trapped and helpless when playing the game. After one reaches all three endings, none feel like a happy resolution. They barely feel like a resolution at all because there really aren’t clean endings in life.
In the game, you play as Thomas, a weak young man with asthma who wakes up from a terrible nightmare. As you continue to progress through the game, you discover that he is trapped in a series of nightmares — each more hellish than the last. Your goal is to hide and flee from the terrifying apparitions that Thomas is defenseless against in order to finally “wake up” in the real world.