I wanted to learn about Agriculture and check the TESDA Program if they offer such courses. I wanted to learn more about Fruit Grower since we have ample space in our backyard.
TESDA Online Program (TOP) is a web-based platform that offers free Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for the technical education and skills development of Filipino workers.
Through the use of information and communication technologies, the TOP provides an effective and efficient way to deliver technical-vocational education and training in the learner’s own space and time.
Through the use of information and communication technologies, the TOP provides an effective and efficient way to deliver technical-vocational education and training in the learner’s own space and time.
Agro-Entrepreneurship NC II
Aquaponic Food Production
Organic Agriculture Production NC II
Agricultural Crops Production NC II
Fruit Growing
Aquaponic Food Production
Organic Agriculture Production NC II
Agricultural Crops Production NC II
Fruit Growing
I have just enrolled in the Fruit Grower course under Agriculture and will update our reader once I have completed the course.
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