How to Change Username in Macbook (OSX)

admin 19:58
I have change the username in my macbook and suddenly it seems like I just opened my macbook for the first time as I was prompted to enter all my account details again. And even my files from my old account suddenly gone. I am sharing via video tutorial on  how I managed to recover my files from my previous account.

Meanwhile, here's on how to change user account on Macbook

Your user account name and home folder name are established when you create a user account on your Mac. You can change them.

Each user account in OS X has a full name and a short name (account name). You can view these names from the Users & Groups pane of System Preferences, and you can use either name to log in to your Mac.

How to Change Username in Macbook (OSX)

Change the full name of a user account

A user's full name can be changed by that user or an administrator. The full name doesn't need to be the same as the account name or home folder name.

OS X Yosemite or later

  1. Choose Apple menu  > System Preferences, then click Users & Groups.
  2. Click the lock  button, then enter an administrator name and password. 
  3. From the list of users, Control-click or right-click the user that you want to rename. Choose Advanced Options from the shortcut menu.
  4. Change the name in the “Full name” field, then click OK.

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