Here's Samsung Galaxy SIII Facebook application "Just Who is the Facebook You?
How well do you know yourself? Learn about the Facebook you & how GALAXYSIII helps share your world!
Just who is the Facebook You? It'ss time to get better aquainted to your social self, along with the ways in which the Samsung Galaxy S3 helps share your world.
You can go to Facebook application,
Samsung Galxy S3 Amzing Features:
Smart Stay
It waits till you're asleep: the screen
maintains a bright display as long as
you're looking at it.
Direct callIt knows when you want to talk: if you're sending
a message but decide to call instead, simply lift
the phone to your ear and it will dial your friend's
number automatically.
Smart alertIt knows when you've been away from
your phone: a vibrating nudge lets you know
that you have missed calls or messages.