Showing posts with label a game of thrones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label a game of thrones. Show all posts
A Game of Thrones: Genesis 'Transfer Error' or 'Cyclic Redundancy

A Game of Thrones: Genesis 'Transfer Error' or 'Cyclic Redundancy

admin 05:19 Add Comment

Tutorial on A Game of Thrones: Genesis 'Transfer Error' or 'Cyclic Redundancy .

Transfer errors during installation can be caused by a number of conflicts, but can typically be caused by an error reading the disk. There are a number of steps that will help to prevent this error from occurring.

If none of these steps work, you will want to attempt a hard drive installation of the game. In this process, you copy the game files to the Desktop, so that the disk, although necessary for running the game, is not necessary for installation.

  1. Right-click the Desktop, select New, and select Folder.

  2. Insert Disk 1 into the drive.

  3. Exit any autoplay screen that may appear.

  4. Open My Computer.

  5. Right-click the CD-ROM drive containing Disk 1 and select Open.

  6. Click Edit at the top of the window.

  7. Click Select All.

  8. Click Edit again.

  9. Click Copy.

  10. Close the window.

  11. Right-click the New Folder on your desktop and select Paste. (The game files will now copy.)

  12. Once the files from Disk 1 are copied, repeat steps 2-5 for Disk 2.

  13. Open the Setup folder on the disk.

  14. Press and hold down the Ctrl (Control) key on your keyboard whilst clicking on Data3 and then Data4.(This should highlight both files.)

  15. Click Edit.

  16. Click Copy.

  17. Close the window.

  18. Double-click the New Folder.

  19. Right-click the Setup folder and select Paste. (The Data files should now copy over.)

  20. Upon completion, remove all disks from any drives.

  21. Double-click the Setup folder.

  22. Double-click on the Setup icon that looks like a computer. (The installation should now begin.)