Can I turn off alerts and notifications?
To manage alerts and notifications, access Madden Messenger by pressing (R3). Tab over to Settings and turn off notifications and social feeds to better suit your experience.
Will my progress from EA Access transfer over to the full title?
Yes, if you purchase the full title, you will have access to all of your progress and save files.
Where are loyalty settings?
The game now tracks your settings changes made from the Game Option Settings menu.
Where did coin toss go?
To get you in the game faster, we’ve placed coin toss selection settings in the beginning of the game.
To alter your preferences, you can either do so from Main Menu > Customize > Settings > Settings > Game Options > Coin Toss 1st Choice/2nd Choice, or from the Advanced Settings menu within Team Select.
The majority of the tiles on the main menu are locked. Why is that?
You may see certain locked areas of the game if the game is still installing or downloading, but the areas will unlock until it has completely installed.
I have seen the game create in-game saves for my offline games. How does that work?
Whenever the game is terminated while in game (application quit or console power down), Madden NFL 16 will make an attempt to create an in game save that you can resume on your next boot. Quitting the game and returning to the Main Menu will not create this save event.
Where can I go to access the full manual?
You can access the full manual is here at EA Help. Scroll to the bottom of the Madden NFL 16 page to find the right version for your platform.
I have noticed significant drops in performance/framerate and audio. How can I resolve this?
Under unique circumstances while using Instant-On, the game may exhibit performance issues. You can resolve this with a hard reboot of the console.