New customizable tabs put you back in control so that you can see what's new at a glance and decide which emails you want to read and when.
Meet the new inbox:
Inbox tabs put you back in control with simple organization so that you can see what's new at a glance and decide which emails you want to read when.
Organized into categories:
You choose from five optional tabs: Primary, Social, Promotions, Updates and Forums. These categories make it easy to read messages of the same type all at once.
Easy to customize:
Select the tabs you want from all five to none. And, if you see a message you want in a different tab, all you have to do is drag and drop it into the tab you choose. More tips
Get the new inbox on your mobile device:
The new inbox is available in Gmail's official mobile apps on Android 4.0+ devices as well as iPhone and iPad. Your mobile inbox and notifications now show primary email. It's easy to access and keep track of email in other categories.