Plants vs Zombies Adventures Completed by one of my friend playing PVZA and he got a congratulatory message through e-mail from Popcap.
After you finished all level/road trip , you can now play any Road Trip to better hone your Zombie killing skills. You can try new plant combos, develop new strategies, earn more Coins and Zombucks, and continue to dominate the leaderboard!
Popcap message to him goes like this, "You have officially unlocked every location so far & can play wherever your heart desires! You will not be able get a second Bee-B-Gone, that is the end of the game for now. So what now?"
Hello from PopCap,
Congratulations on being among the first to complete all of the Road Trips currently available in Plants vs Zombies Adventures! You have officially unlocked every location so far & can play wherever your heart desires! You will not be able get a second Bee-B-Gone, that is the end of the game for now. So what now?
Attack your friends' towns for the sweet taste of victory!
Go back and play any Road Trip to better hone your Zombie killing skills. You can try new plant combos, develop new strategies, earn more Coins and Zombucks, and continue to dominate the leaderboard!
Decorate and rearrange your town. You'll find lovely items in the shop, like lawn sofas and garden gnomes. Visiting other towns may also give you ideas for better defensive layouts!
Congratulations again on being such an amazing Zombie mulcher! Don't worry--there is plenty of new content coming, but in the meantime, have fun destroying Zombies!
Thanks for playing the PvZ Adventures Beta!
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