The dastardly Dr. Strangeglove is catching innocent Moshlings and turning them into naughty Glumps! It’s your mission to save the Moshlings and bring 'em back home to your village.
With help from Buster Bumblechops, build unique, adorable houses & care for all of your rescued Moshlings in your very own Moshi Monsters Village.
• Build your village in STUNNING 3D!
• Rescue Moshlings from the dastardly Dr. Strangeglove
• Personalize your village with tons of unique decorations
• Play wacky mini games to collect dozens of Moshlings
• Nurture and care for your rescued Moshlings
• Visit your friends & check out their villages
PLEASE NOTE! Moshi Monsters Village is free to play, but you have the option to purchase extra Rox and Coins. Rox and Coin packs cost real money and will be charged to your account. You can disable In-App Purchases in your device's settings.
Works on iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation), iPad, iPad Air and iPad Mini.
Requires iOS 4.2 or later.