Tutorial- Basic Controls for PvZ Garden Warfare

admin 02:23

Here's the Tutorial for Basic Controls for Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare.

If a zombie sat down to play Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare, we can safely assume he'd employ the old button-masher method. But you'd probably like to get to know what the controls actually are! We're happy to help with that. You can probably guess that the left stick is for moving your character in every possible direction through this awesomely three-dimensional world! But there's so much more you can do!


Aim: The left trigger zooms in your viewpoint to allow for precision when aiming.

Fire: It's called a trigger finger for a reason! Use your right trigger to fire your weapon.

Reload: When you've vanquished a foe, and your ammo is low, hit X, and you'll be good to go.

Jump: Don't get stuck in a loop, bumping your shins against a decorative garden wall! Just press A!

Rotate/Look: While the left stick is for movement, the right stick allows you to scan your surroundings! Looking around will not only help you sight targets and identify objectives, it will keep you alive.

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Interact: This command may sound vague, but it's actually versatile! There are objects you can pick up and use, and this is how you engage with them. Interact also allows you to summon spawnable plants or zombies! Best of all, you can use Interact to revive fallen teammates! Have I sold you yet on the awesomeness of Interact? Would you believe you get all that (and more!) for the low, low price of tapping B on your controller? If it sounds too good to be true, that's probably because Dave is Craaazy.

Abilities: Characters have three special abilities that can be activated by three different buttons. Your left bumper activates Ability #1, the right bumper activates Ability #2, and the Y button activates Ability #3. You can tell which of your abilities are available to you by the status of the glowing icons on your screen. After using each ability, it will take time to recharge.

Gestures: Your d-pad can be configured to assign gestures of your choice to each of the four directions. Gestures are for taunting, goading, egging on, and generally provoking your opponents. You can unlock new gestures in packs!

Pause: This is where it's important to remember that you're in a multiplayer game! Pausing only pauses you, not the world around you. Make sure you're in a secure position before tapping Menu on Xbox One or Start on Xbox 360 (to the right of the central Xbox button) to pause your experience. If you do this while out in the open...you'll unpause only to respawn.

Scoreboard: To check how your team is doing vs. the opposing team, tap View on Xbox One or Back on Xbox 360 (to the left of the central Xbox button).

Watch EGamersCentrum Gameplay of PvZ Garden Warfare.

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