Tutorial- Game Modes in Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare

admin 02:16

It's a grave new world, and Electronic Arts share some tips and trick for game mode to find your way around! To start with, there are a number of game modes to choose from.

New in town? Start your visit on the Welcome Mat!

Choose Multiplayer in the Main Menu, then select Welcome Mat for your first game. Welcome Mat is like Garden Warfare basic training! You will play a Team Vanquish session (see below), and any players who are repeatedly vanquished will gain a health bonus upon respawning. Level up in Welcome Mat to unlock more game modes!

Multiplayer Mayhem: Team Vanquish

In Team Vanquish, you choose a side and join a team of Plants or Zombies. Unlike other game modes, you have only one objective: vanquish as many as you can from the opposing team! It's a botanical brawl where you don't go tiptoeing through the tulips unless you're sneaking up on someone.

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Multiplayer Method: Gardens and Graveyards

If Team Vanquish is a free-for-all, Gardens and Graveyards is a tactical assault in which teamwork really will win the day! Play as a plant and defend your garden stronghold, or play as a zombie trying to invade and degrade it.

Multiplayer Match-up: Garden Ops

In co-op Garden Ops, up to four teammates defend their garden against ever-increasing zombie attack waves. You can create a public game (or join one already in progress), or you can create a private game to play with your friends!

Multiplayer Moderation: Classic

Level the playing field by choosing Classic Mode! In this variant, all character customizations and upgrades are left behind in the locker room. Without any of your enhancements to rely on, teamwork is your primary tool! Classic mode options exist for Team Vanquish, Gardens and Graveyards, and Garden Ops.

Xbox One Exclusive Game Modes!

If you've got the latest and greatest innovation in gaming consoles (you can call it the Xbox One for short!), you have access to two exclusive modes in PvZ Garden Warfare!

Split-screen Co-op

If you've got a friend and a second controller for your Xbox One, you're set to enjoy Split-screen Co-op! It's an "endless" version of Garden Ops in which you team up to defend your garden against wave after wave of zombies. We say "endless" because there will be an end...only your skills and teamwork will hold it off, and then only for so long!

Boss Mode

Feeling a little superior today, a trifle arch? Indulge your grandiose side by playing as Dr. Zomboss! Can't overcome your urge to help out and take care of your friends and neighbors? Live up to your avuncular nature as Crazy Dave.

Either way, you will be playing with a top-down, bird's eye view of the madness, assisting your teammates via health drops and air strikes! Don't get too comfortable in your lofty redoubt, though, because you are still vulnerable to a concentrated show of force from below!

Boss Mode can be enjoyed via standard controller, Kinect, or SmartGlass.

Watch EGamersCentrum Gameplay of PvZ Garden Warfare.

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