How to Copy copy text description in "About" tab in video on YouTube?
I can't copy/select the text description in "About" tab anymore. I can only click to see "less" or "more"... strange. I actually have no promblem seeing the descrition in the about tab, and I can even find it when I inspect the source but it's like there is an transparent overlay that prevents me selecting the text. My cursor change for the "hand" as if it was over "less" or "more" button. Which is quite annoying because I can't easily copy a word and search for it on google or wiki anymore.
It doesn't work with any browser anymore. It started a week ago, and I've tried with every browser installed on my machine: Chrome (default); Firefox; Opera or Internet Explorer. All browsers are the latest versions, fully updated.
Note: I'm running Chrome Version 37.0.2041.4 dev-m, but I've also tried it with the standard version.
The user who succeeded in highlighting and copying text with Internet Explorer was probably very lucky: maybe she managed to access the page before YouTube's updated had rolled out completely.
Because it's the same across all browsers, I'm pretty sure that it's got nothing to do with any 3rd party add-ons.
For more info read on Google Forum here:!topic/youtube/HU7yQD7Jbk4