Showing posts with label hsbc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hsbc. Show all posts

HSBC Qatar: Beware of Phishing

admin 20:08 Add Comment
What is phishing?

Phishing involves fraudsters using methods such as sending e-mails that requests the recipient to update or to verify their personal and financial information, including date of birth, login information, account details, credit card numbers, PINs etc. Usually, these e-mails claim to come from a legitimate organisation such as a bank, or online retailer.

The e-mail will contain a link that takes you to a spoof website that looks identical (or very similar) to the organisation’s genuine site. The fraudster can then capture personal data like passwords as you type it in or download malware onto your computer.

How can you protect yourself against phishing?

Always make sure that you see your personalised image when you receive an e-mail from us; any message we send to you includes your anti-phishing image. Your personalised image is known only by us, so you can be sure that any message containing your image is legitimate. If you ever receive an e-mail without your image, do not open any attachments or click any links in the e-mail.

Reputable organisations do not send unsolicited e-mail messages asking their customers to update or verify their personal and security details.

If you are in doubt about the legitimacy of the e-mail, or if you think that you have been a victim of a phishing scam, you should contact the organisation in question immediately. You should, however, be careful to use the normal method you use to contact the organisation in question, rather than use any suggestions included in, or by responding to, the e-mail.

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