Showing posts with label sims 4. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sims 4. Show all posts
The Sims 4- Missing msvcp120.dll at The Sims 4 startup- What to do?

The Sims 4- Missing msvcp120.dll at The Sims 4 startup- What to do?

admin 01:05 Add Comment

EA have heard reports that some The Sims 4 players are unable to start and play their game and instead receive an error indicating that msvcp120.dll is missing.

If you're unable to launch The Sims 4 and have been told you're missing msvcp120.dll, try downloading and installing the appropriate Visual C++ Redistributable Package for Visual Studio 2013 from Microsoft's Download Center.

Select your language and click the Download button, then choose either vcredist_x64.exe if you're running a 64-bit version of Windows, or vcredist_x86.exeif you have a 32-bit Windows OS.

  • If you're not sure what sort of operating system your version of Windows is, right-click on Computer or My Computer and select Properties. UnderSystem you should be able to find 64- or 32-bit Operating System.

  • To find out how more about your system, learn how to find your MSInfowhere to read your DXDIAG, and check your network connection with UOTrace--all here on EA Help.