Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2- Welcome to Zomburbia

admin 23:25
Welcome to Plants vs ZOmbies GW2 Zomburbia Tutorial. Plants vs ZOmbies GW2 known issues and tutorial will be posted here once it becomes available.

Over 100 Playable Characters

Bring even more strategic depth to this all-out botanical battle with 14 total character classes, and over 100 playable plants and zombies from the past, present, and future.

A living PvZ world. The struggle for Suburbia is in full bloom across 12 maps bursting with personality and humor. Fight your way through Zombossified cityscapes and crowded airspaces, all layered with hidden secrets waiting to be discovered.

You can watch the trailer and more info on Plants vs Zombies GW2, please click HERE!

Dear Citizens of Suburbia and Everywhere-

brains, streets, houses, telephone poles, brains, toasters, and game-playing devices are mine. Mine!

I can sense before the brain-feasting begins that you would like to know how I took over. Because why wouldn’t you? I am Dr. Zomboss, after all. And this was my most evilly inspired idea yet! I finally decided that only one was brilliant enough to aid me, and once realizing this, I asked myself for help. My future self! The only creature perhaps as smart as I am. Supplied with Z-Tech from future me (who is quite charming and really rather clever), I invented the most horrific, most wonderful, most clever invention of all time! More clever even than the Sun-blot Machine! Than the Awesome Air Stinkifier! Even more than the PopSmarts™ Handy Slicer!

I speak of the Z-Mech, which transforms giggly Imps into giggly giant machines of shimmering destruction! Oh, I also created Super Brainz, but he broke every mirror and had to stand in the Time-Out corner. But he is still a brilliant invention! And I, only I, Dr. Edgar G. Zomboss, could have unleashed the Z-Mech and then also put Captain Deadbeard, and all the other zombies, into the fray. You remember them, I know you do! Remember them, and remember it was I who used them to capture Suburbia. It was I! Admit it – you couldn’t have done it. Only I. Wait, what’s that orange roll-y thing that dares to roll on my streets? I must go attend, because no-one rolls on my streets. No one!

Please desist from any thoughts of attacking me, as they would be futile.


Dr. Zomboss

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